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Reiki 2 Attunement

Including Energy Healing and Intuitive Reading (no zoom communication)

45 minRemote


As well as receiving your Reiki 2 attunement which in itself is very exciting! I will also be mixing this with my remote signature energy healing which also includes an intuitive reading. If you would prefer not to receive an intuitive reading please just let me know! The energy healing itself can be used for: -Increasing your vibration -Returning to your alignment in life or business -To clear any negative or unconscious energy, or cut unhealthy energetic chords -To release any energetic blocks within the body -To activate your Higher Self/Soul back into your body -To connect you into your Spirit Guides -To activate and expand your spiritual gifts -To reboot and rebalance your nervous system -To increase your connection spiritually -To open your body up to abundance or another energy you wish to receive -To activate your body's healing response if you are suffering from any illness or injury -To integrate or ground more into your body As well as of course attuning you to the symbols of Reiki including the connection symbol. Before the session itself, I will request a voice note from you to just get super clear on how you are feeling and your intentions for the healing. This is to get clarity for the energy healing portion of the session as well as hearing from you and tuning into your energy During the time of the session, you just need to simply lie down in the comfort of your own home (undisturbed) and just receive the healing. For some that is a lot of energetic sensations, for others that may be emotions arising, and for others it is simply falling asleep or into what feels quite a trancy state ... there is no one-size-fits-all experience of the healing ... everybody is different! I will share with you after the 30-minute healing through voice notes any messages that come through from your Higher Self or Spirit Guides during the healing (this is optional if you would prefer me not to do this please just say), or anything I pick up on energetically or physically, this is also a time you can reflect or share anything you experienced during the healing, and I can help you make sense of anything you aren't sure of If you have any questions at all, you can find out more with the FAQ here for my healings or just get in touch via Instagram or

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