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Image by Augustine Wong

Activate and expand your intuitive and psychic abilities

Unlock your intuitive gifts, open your channel, and connect to your Spirit Guides ...


You were born intuitive, there is no doubt about that. Intuitive and psychic gifts are not something only ‘special’ people have, they are an innate ability and skill that anyone can learn, activate and enhance.

Inside this Intuitive development course, I am teaching and sharing with you everything that took me from someone with no intuitive connection or awareness, to where I am today working as an intuitive and channel … and yes, if I can do this, then so can you.


This on-demand course is not just a load of practices thrown at you to try. This course gives you a grounded and structured framework to help you integrate these tools and practices into your life, and become more connected to your intuition, and a clear channel for your Soul and your Spirit team ...

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To have a deeper understanding of how your intuitive and psychic gifts are showing up for you, and how to amplify and open up to them even more!

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To always know what direction your alignment and Soul's guidance is

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To be able to receive guidance and cosmic support from your Spirit Guides and Spirit team (Angels/Ancestors or passed loved ones) - Whether for comfort, energetic upgrades, or for guidance on your alignment and Soul’s path

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Have instant access to energy upgrades and be able to attune to your Higher Self (which happens every time you channel Spirit by the way)

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Be able to receive new (and higher) perspectives at all times

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To enhance your tarot or oracle card practice, to get accurate and resonant readings towards your Soul’s guidance

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Increase your vibration and protect your energy

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If you would love the next step on your Spiritual journey

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Ultimately, do you want to live a Soul and purpose led life? If so … your intuition is the way there

Your intuition is the voice of your Soul. It is your GPS towards your highest alignment.
If you want to live a life led by your Soul, and constantly guided and led towards your Highest path and potential ... then opening up your channel and intuitive abilities is the most potent tool you can learn 

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Here is what is covered inside:

You will learn the foundational skills and tools for increasing your intuitive connection, including multiple powerful practices for quietening the mind (most intuitive courses forget these vital skills)

You will receive in-depth knowledge, awareness, practices and tools for opening and enhancing each of your four main intuitive channels: Your hearing channel (clairaudience), your seeing channel (clairvoyance), your feeling channel (clairsentience), and your knowing channel (claircognizance)

You will learn my most powerful and proven practice of channelling messages, guidance, love and healing from your Spirit Guides or your Higher Self (or any Spirit)

You will learn how to read energy and receive guidance within situations

You will learn the best ways to work with Oracle or Tarot cards as a tool of enhancing your intuition and receiving more accurate guidance (including my favourite spreads to use)

You will learn further protection practices to protect your energy (you receive the basics of energetic protection within the FREE BONUS course Vibrational Living)

You will learn the exact daily ritual and practice I use to amplify my connection to my own Spirit Guides and intuition



You will also learn how to master and increase your vibration on a day-to-day basis with the BONUS course Vibrational Living




Inside the Nervous System bonus module, you will also learn all about the Nervous System, and how it impacts your vibration and intuitive connection, and how to regulate yourself so your connection is clear and trust worthy




If you are already certified in Reiki, and you are interested in taking your energy healings to a whole new level alongside all the above, then all the information inside this course is also included within my


It is time to unleash the potential within you

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What it feels like to hear from your Spirit Guides

Hear from some of my students:

My journey with this work:

My journey with intuition is probably slightly different to most intuitives and channels out there.

Although I was born with intuitive gifts (as were you), I was definitely not a physic or medium at a young age … in fact I went most my life without even knowing intuition and this connection to Spirit existed.

Being a channel, and intuitive was a skill I learned, cultivated and practiced from scratch.


As soon as I learned we had access to guidance and support from Spirit (and experienced the life-changing potency of it via someone else), I knew I wanted to access it myself … and I knew I wanted to be able to get wisdom and guidance from a much Higher and wise place than my mind ….  The thought of being constantly guided by my Soul to live in my absolute purpose and alignment was without a doubt what I wanted, and maybe more importantly felt I needed at that time.

On my journey of opening up intuitively, my biggest struggle was the intensity of my mind and thoughts, I could never tell what was intuition and what was my mind, purely because my mind was SO loud.


This is why in this course, I have included ALL the skills, knowledge and practices I used to open and expand my channel and intuition, AS WELL AS the tools and practices to quieten the mind - because this was essential for me in my journey!


The way I teach and share this work is grounded, practical, and structured so that you have a framework to work with, and of course still full of magic, activations, and my own experiences. The way I share and teach this work … works ...

Although it is easy to assume intuition is something we are born with (and we are as an innate ability), it is a skill that can be learned and practiced just like any other.

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The Modules:


  • Foundations of intuition

  • Learning to quieten the mind

  • Increasing your frequency

  • Creating an intentional space


  • Intro to your four clair channels

  • Your clairaudient (hearing) channel (how it shows up and how to develop it) 

  • Your clairvoyant (seeing) channel (how it shows up and how to develop it)

  • Your clairsentience (feeling) channel (how it shows up and how to develop it)

  • Your claircognizant (knowing) channel (how it shows up and how to develop it)


  • Channeling your Spirit Guides & Higher Self

  • Receiving guidance through energy

  • Deeper intuitive and psychic protection 

  • Working with Tarot and Oracle to expand your intuition

  • BONUS video on choosing a deck and things to look out for 


  • The Nervous System

  • EFT practice for regulating your Nervous System 


  • RECAP: Energy fundamentals

  • RECAP: Why we work with energy

  • The energy of words

  • Energy in your environment

  • Energy with other People

  • The body's importance of energy

  • Infusing Soul energy 

  • Protecting your energy 

  • Cleansing your energy 

  • Moving through emotions using energy

You are surrounded by your Spirit Guides and Angels at all times, and as an energetic being yourself you can communicate and receive unconditional love, guidance, and support from them. I know a big reason I am here is to help you bridge that connection and help you open your channels to what I believe is the biggest gift that we can ever receive for ourselves.

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Almost 6 hours of on-demand video trainings filled with everything I have learned on this journey (delivered within a structured framework)

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The exact tools and practices that I used and still use (and that work!)

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60-page comprehensive handbook which includes all the content and all the practices and tools shared

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FREE bonus course Vibrational Living - to teach you how to master and increase your vibration on a day-to-day basis

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FREE bonus module on the Nervous System, where you will learn how to regulate your Nervous System to help you receive clearer intuition

Buy now
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  • Instant access to over 26 potent video trainings 

  • 60-page accompanying handbook including all the content + all the practices 

  • BONUS MODULE on The Nervous System including my unique tapping practice for regulation and healing

  • BONUS COURSE on Vibrational Living and mastering your energy



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Learn how to master and increase your vibration on a day-to-day basis

This course was created to give you practical tools and practices to incorporate into your day-to-day life (outside of energy healing), and to also bring you a new level of awareness to just how energy is affecting us (and what you can do about it).

This course is not part of the official certification, and is delivered separately as it's own course, but it is in my opinion the missing piece of learning to completely shift and elevate your energy and therefore your spiritual journey.



This course was created to give you practical tools and practices to incorporate into your day-to-day life, and to also bring you a new level of awareness to just how energy is affecting us (and what you can do about it).

This course is not part of the official course and is delivered separately as it's own course, but it is in my opinion the missing piece of learning to completely shift and elevate your energy and therefore your spiritual journey.

During this course, you will learn about how the following areas affect you vibrationally, and what you can do to improve them:


The words you speak

Your environment

Other people 

Your body

Infusing Soul-aligned energy  

And you will also learn:

How to protect your energy 

How to cleanse your energy 

and how to move through emotions and challenges whilst working with energy and vibration 

I truly believe that this course alone is enough to help you shift your energy, and transform your day-to-day life.


You will know at this point if this course is for you, you will feel it in your body and in your heart.

If however, you have some questions or you would like to discuss the course, please get in touch either through Instagram @sarah.louise.sutton or email

I would be honoured to help you make the right decision for you and your journey 

Sarah x 

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